Band History

A Band’s Tale

Electric Driver is a dutch rock band from Amsterdam with its own unique eclectic sound. Inspired by the alternative rock scene of the 70s and 90s with influences from post-punk, metal, funk, jazz, reggae and world music, they compose their own work. By merging powerful guitar riffs, exciting and groovy bass parts, energetic drumming, unique vocals and especially their dynamic live performances full of energy, they know how to captivate the listener and make any room buzz with excitement! The bands name stands for the future and sake of our world and it’s environment. A strong message within our music. Founded in 2019, the band consists of experienced musicians with a passion for guitar music. Lead guitarist Danilo has been playing guitar like forever and has played in many bands. Drummer David and bass player Claudio have previously preformed together in the Jazz Fusion band BarabaNL. Menno, the charismatic singer, was the frontman of the band Decker for a long time. As Electric Driver they now create a powerful unit, with each band member contributing to the unmistakable unique Electric Driver sound.


Back in 2019 Jeroen and Danilo met on a musician website and hooked up. Drummer David soon completed the trio and they were ready to rock. They recorded their first EP in June 2020. But then suddenly (like many things in 2021) it was all about to end! Jeroen left the band! Could this be the end? The foundation was still there, so the search for new musicians began. It didn’t take long before new lead singer Menno joined the band. All they need now is a bass player. Well, David knew a guy he used to play with back in the days. Well, it's worth a shot... Eventually Claudio left his band and became the new bass player, and thus a power trio became a quartet and were ready to rock again. 

Mind Your Dutch update... :-)

Electric Driver is een Amsterdamse rockband met een unieke eigen sound. Geïnspireerd door de alternatieve rockscene van de jaren 70 en 90 met invloeden van postpunk, wereldmuziek, wave, jazz, reggae en metal, componeren zij eigen werk. Door het samensmelten van krachtige gitaarriffs, opzwepende baspartijen, energiek drumwerk, unieke vocals en vooral hun dynamische liveoptredens vol energie, weten ze de luisteraar te boeien en de zaal te doen bruisen van opwinding! Opgericht in 2019, bestaat de band uit ervaren muzikanten met een passie voor gitaarmuziek. Leadgitarist Danilo speelt al een eeuwigheid gitaar en heeft in veel bands gespeeld. Drummer David en bassist Claudio hebben eerder al samengespeeld in een Jazz-Fusionband. Menno, de charismatische zanger, was lang de frontman van de band Decker. Als Electric Driver creëren ze nu een krachtige eenheid, waarbij elk bandlid bijdraagt aan de onmiskenbare Electric Driver-sound. De band is ook serieus bezig in de studio. De opnamestudio is voorzien van legendarische analoge studio-apparatuur. Twee EP’s zijn al uitgebracht en momenteel bevindt de 1e LP zich in de afrondende fase. Deze mijlpaal zal hun kenmerkende sound naar nieuwe hoogten tillen.

Other & previous Electric Driver stuff!

A collection of links to videos, recordings and other stuff of previous formations of Electric Driver

N1M website - Instagram - Soundcloud -  Studio Gonz - 

Copyright © Electric Driver 2025 - All Rights Reserved - Website by Claudio Santulli - Last update: February 12th, 2025